so i'm really bored right now.
i'm supposed to be in session, but my client's aren't showing up.
it kind of sucks when they don't show up,
i really like having something to do.
you know how people wish they didn't have to go to their jobs
and they were just rich and had all the money they could ever want?
well, i'm not one of those people.
i've actually thought about what it would be like and how the first
few days would be wicked sweet
and my friends would come over,
they'd make time to hang out becuase i was super rich
some would even come with me to go and buy a new ride,
or look at houses
but pretty soon the novelty of my life would wear off
they'd all go back to work, and well,
then i would have no one to hang out with.
i guess i could drive around town and meet them for lunch
and stuff like that, but what would i do in between?
watch oprah? go to the gym? prank call my friends?
how long could i seriously do this for?
the only way that it would be worth it would be if all of my friends had
as much money as i had and we bought some land by the beach
and built a bunch of sweet houses and just hung out all day.
laughing, tanning, eating, drinking, being entertained...
nevermind, this would get old too.
plus, i'd probably get really fat doing that
being really fat would be cool
for only one day.
but that one day would be sweet.
i could do all the things that really fat dudes get away with.
whatever that is, i guess just be a bit of an inconvenience to
everyone as well as to themselves.
but if i knew that it would only be for a day, it wouldn't be that much
of an inconvenience to me.
it would be a novelty, kind of like having all the money i could ever want.
but if i was super fat,
i would try and hang my neck over my torso and shake it
and scream like a dinosaur. i've always wanted to do that.
after that i'd probably run down a hill to see how
much speed i could pick up,
then again, i'd probably blow out a knee doing that.
i've blown out my knees already, that sucks.
you know what else sucks?
being bored.
did i mention i'm really bored right now?
i'm supposed to be in session, but my client's aren't showing up.
it kind of sucks when they don't show up,
i really like having something to do.
you know how people wish they didn't have to go to their jobs
and they were just rich and had all the money they could ever want?
well, i'm not one of those people.
i've actually thought about what it would be like and how the first
few days would be wicked sweet
and my friends would come over,
they'd make time to hang out becuase i was super rich
some would even come with me to go and buy a new ride,
or look at houses
but pretty soon the novelty of my life would wear off
they'd all go back to work, and well,
then i would have no one to hang out with.
i guess i could drive around town and meet them for lunch
and stuff like that, but what would i do in between?
watch oprah? go to the gym? prank call my friends?
how long could i seriously do this for?
the only way that it would be worth it would be if all of my friends had
as much money as i had and we bought some land by the beach
and built a bunch of sweet houses and just hung out all day.
laughing, tanning, eating, drinking, being entertained...
nevermind, this would get old too.
plus, i'd probably get really fat doing that
being really fat would be cool
for only one day.
but that one day would be sweet.
i could do all the things that really fat dudes get away with.
whatever that is, i guess just be a bit of an inconvenience to
everyone as well as to themselves.
but if i knew that it would only be for a day, it wouldn't be that much
of an inconvenience to me.
it would be a novelty, kind of like having all the money i could ever want.
but if i was super fat,
i would try and hang my neck over my torso and shake it
and scream like a dinosaur. i've always wanted to do that.
after that i'd probably run down a hill to see how
much speed i could pick up,
then again, i'd probably blow out a knee doing that.
i've blown out my knees already, that sucks.
you know what else sucks?
being bored.
did i mention i'm really bored right now?
At 12:05 p. m.,
benji said…
what good are you? seriously. i'm bored here and you can't take a few minutes and update your blog?! i honkytwo in your general direction!
At 6:14 a. m.,
Kate Bowen said…
Glad you read the KR, sorry had to delete the comment as me blog tries to be non location specific for security blah blah blah. Despite the horrors of this place it is ver' rich also and I am enjoying dodging the suicide bombers and far from bored. Come on over, bring your friends!! Happy New Year by the way.
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